Monday, March 3, 2014

Going for the All-Natural Look? Choose Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring

The trend nowadays is to go green. Whether it is about your diet, your lifestyle, your electricity consumption, going green and being environmentally-friendly has engaged a lot of people. That is why more and more clients are asking for types of flooring which can help them achieve the all-natural look. One of our recommendations for that is strand woven bamboo flooring.

Photo courtesy of Hawa Bamboo Flooring
If you will notice in most Manhattan and New York establishments, strand woven bamboo flooring can readily give your home or office a natural finish. From the name itself, strand woven bamboo flooring is made using interwoven fibers from the bamboo. Once the weaving process is completed, the material will be placed under pressure and heat while applying adhesive materials. This is to ensure structural integrity and durability of the finished product (3,000 pounds-force Janka Hardness).


When choosing strand woven bamboo flooring, it’s very important to make sure the adhesive used in the manufacturing process doesn’t contain more formaldehyde than allowed by U.S. OSHA, European E0, CARB Phase 1 and CARB Phase 2. Here at Wood Floor Planet, we have reputable strand woven bamboo flooring brands available such EcoFusion and Hawa that comply with formaldehyde emission standards. Feel free to browse our bamboo flooring selection here or give us a call to 212-252-3838 for more information.

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